zip files

  • Hello Lynn and Music Box / Music Rhapsody folks,

    I've not had this problem before, but what do I do to get the zip files to open??? I am a Mac user.

    Claudia Akridge, from Georgia

  • Lynn Kleiner
    Lynn Kleiner If you are using a Macintosh, simply Double-click the zip file and the file or folder will be decompressed into the same folder the compressed file is in. If you still cannot unzip those received documents, There are apps you can get that are made for com...  more
    September 10, 2017
  • Claudia Akridge
    Claudia Akridge Hi Lynn! Yes, I am able to double click on the zip files from other sources, but none of the recently downloaded zip files that were free from Music Box will open. I'm confused, as I'm sure that you are, too.
    September 11, 2017