Back to School Music

  • Many Music Box teachers are preparing for their return to school. I thought I would highlight a few places to look on Music Box for some review or something new for your school year.  Hopefully this will also help new members find their way around Music Box. Check out these places from your Music Box home page once you log in. Please feel free to add to the discussions!

    (Remember there are several pages to the Forum and Blog, see bottom for page numbers to see more!)

    A Few Back to School Highlights

    Forum – Topics – Vocal Health

    Blog Discipline, Class Control

    Articles –  Student Rules and Teacher Guidelines

    Videos Puppet Tips, Music Box Sopranino Video, Ukulele Lesson 1

    Downloads - Songs:  Choose a new Hello Song  (Use this to learn names, for transitions and more)

    Downloads – Stories: Froggy Goes to School (Great for rules, echos, pitch matching, beat and more)

    Don't forget to get all of your weekly lesson plans including a set of ten 30-minute preschool music lesson plans, found in Downloads. Singing games for pitchmatching, movement, instrument playing on a variety of percussion are included. Music Box members can ask questions about these lessons in the forum under "ask Lynn questions."

    Happy School Year!
