An exciting opportunity to experience music education from an active, joyful Orff approach, infants-elementary. Four full days of fun with gathering drum,percussion, movement, singing, Orff, recorder, ukulele. You will love this beautiful university setting - and enjoy staying right on campus! Housing is available.
Lynn Kleiner
February is the time!
Love Activities, favorites of mine,
music classes oh so fine
All is red, that's your sign!
Check out the free lessons, recordings, dances, songs and stories with a love theme to enjoy in February or all year round. These are also in our curriculum lesson plans - check out the activity videos and see Lynn and her students.
Kelli Kelley
Is there an instrumental version on All Around the Gardener's Bench?!?! I would love to buy it!
Maybe Attending
Lyn Tschritter
Hi I just joined again ..... I am excited to learn all that i can....